Sarah Bedell

Looking for Clarity?
I am a consultant working with creative people and cultural organisations to make the change they want to see by connecting ideas, bringing clarity and providing practical and strategic support.
I provide bespoke support and solutions to meet your needs and help you grow your business or organisation, progress your idea and plan with confidence.
"Sarah's a clear thinker who's able to deal with complexity and connect a lot of ideas together without losing sight of the question or task in hand."
Anne Torreggiani, The Audience Agency

Why work with me?
“I’d also like to thank you myself for being so helpful, and guiding us through this project. It’s been great working with you... It’s been a whole new, thoroughly enjoyable project!” Liverpool Phil

Clients say that what they particularly value about working with me is my ability to:
• Make connections between ideas, strategies, potential opportunities - ‘Join the dots’
• Handle complex data or nuanced issues, making sense of it for deployment/planning
• Listen and think deeply about the scope and potential solutions
• Bring their ideas to life on paper and for funders.
Value isn’t just about the price or number of days, but also attentiveness, clarity of communication and reliability. I’m results-focused and pride myself on delivering on time
'My team and I have worked with Sarah for several years now, in different ways. She's helped us develop our evaluation planning and practice and supported our successful Creative People and Places bid. I LOVE working with Sarah – She's flexible, fantastic at seeing the possibilities and joining up the dots, hard-working and reliable. I've learned so much from her.'
Vision Redbridge
“We hope that other funders will follow Sarah Bedell’s recommendations to consider ways of nurturing best practice and ensure that their monitoring and evaluation requirements are fit for participatory arts.” Andrew Barnett, Director, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK branch), Foreword to Sharing the Stage, summary evaluation (2019)
Organisation for Responsible Business
"Operate our business in an honest and ethical manner; to consider people and the environment when making business decisions; and endeavour to make a positive contribution to the local community and society at large.”

Last week, I had an amazing catch-up over coffee with Sarah Bedell, the founder of creative community consultancy Aspirational Arts Partnerships Ltd and a member of ORB since 2010.
Sarah first met Jill on a postgraduate course at the University of Essex, and in her own words, "chimed" so absolutely with her that as soon as Organisation for Responsible Businesses was formed she immediately said, "sign me up"!
Sarah is in "total agreement" with ORB's values and is particularly keen on the easily identifiable badge: saying it "helps our chances" to be differentiated from the all-too-common wave of "scandals and disgrace" associated with businesses, highlighting the valuable contribution responsible ones make to society.
Sarah loves the fact this community is proud to stand up for what is right and that, here, her philosophy isn't disregarded as "naive idealism". Her motto?
"We could be doing this differently folks!"
Sarah promotes a form of good living that refuses to "trample over others" in the process and has always fundamentally thought that this membership organisation is "such a good idea".
She sees that in her own line of work, more and more assessments or evaluations require a list of your values anyway. The wide-ranging, joined-up thinking of ORB and its sister Responsible Business Standard is "bigger" than a trend; she believes members should make good use of that fact.
We are so grateful for your 13 years of ORB membership, Sarah, and I really loved experiencing your infectious drive, good humour and sensible perspective.

I can
Value isn’t just about money, but also attentiveness and thinking beyond the brief to fully meet your needs.
Commitment and Reliability
With a select portfolio of clients, you can be assured that I will be as committed to your vision and goals as you are.
Support in every step
I bring clarity so you can succeed in bringing your project to life. I’m results-focused and pride myself on delivering on time and within budget